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28 Weeks Later I_vote_lcap28 Weeks Later I_voting_bar28 Weeks Later I_vote_rcap 
28 Weeks Later I_vote_lcap28 Weeks Later I_voting_bar28 Weeks Later I_vote_rcap 
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 28 Weeks Later

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Jumlah posting : 43
Reputation : 4
Join date : 03.05.11
Age : 30
Lokasi : B O Y O L A L I

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PostSubyek: 28 Weeks Later   28 Weeks Later I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 3:53 pm


28 Weeks Later is a 2007 British post-apocalyptic horror film, and sequel to the 2002 film 28 Days Later. The film was directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, and was released in the United Kingdom and in the United States on 11 May 2007. It was mostly filmed in London, England with some scenes also being filmed in the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales.



Robert Carlyle as Don Harris
Jeremy Renner as Doyle
Rose Byrne as Major Scarlet Ross
Imogen Poots as Tammy Harris
Mackintosh Muggleton as Andy Harris
Catherine McCormack as Alice Harris
Harold Perrineau as Flynn
Shahid Ahmed as Jacob
Emily Beecham as Karen
Garfield Morgan as Geoff
Amanda Walker as Sally
Idris Elba as Brigadier General Stone

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